Fallout 3 is set in the wastelands of Washington DC in the year of 2277, 36 years after the setting of the previous fallout game, fallout 2 and just over 200 years after the nuclear apocalypse that has caused the world to become the nuclear wasteland it is today. The player starts off as a child in Vault 101, with the options to create their character and set the skills or "S.P.E.C.I.A.L"
The player then grows up inside Vault 101, and escapes due to an infestation in the vault. The player then is set free into the wasteland, with a mission to find their father. The player is free to do whatever they want in the wasteland, and can start exploring immediately, although following the main questline to start is a good way to become attuned to the wasteland and understand the game and the risks you may face in the wasteland. Upon finding megaton, a city build around an unexploded atom bomb, the player is granted many side missions. This includes the wastleand survival guide missions - which I would strongly reccomend as it allows the players to get information about all sorts of risks in the wasteland and the rewards are good.
After completing these missions, it is a very good idea to try to find somewhere to live. Inside megaton, you will find a mission that will lead you on a moral choice of whether you will save the town of megaton and live there, or destroy the town and live in a highrise, rich apartment with the evil tenpenny. Be careful of your choice though, as the game tracks your karma.
The game has many skills like science, lockpicking, strength , small guns and many more that can help the player succeed in their fight for survival and their mission in the game
The games combat system uses V.A.T.S which is a nice addition to the game's combat , allowing the player to have a greater control over their weapon and attacks.
In conclusion, Fallout 3 is amazing game and I would recommend anyone who likes any type of RPG game to try it out. The wasteland humour you encounter and the choices you are given make this a great game to get many many fun hours out of. I would recommend you pick up the PC version of this game as the modding on this game makes replayability alot better and there are an endless amount of mods ranging from complete overhauls, to different storys and even player homes and weapons! This game is a must play!
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